Stunning red miniature poodle stud Reddington is a well known and sought after stud dog who produces stunning puppies who have great homes across the world.
He is extremely well proven KC miniature poodle stud dog with a wide variety of breeds. He is very loving and affectionate boy and has a beautiful thick coat of red curls. Reddington is not cut like a poodle as he just sports the "Teddy Bear" look so well plus children call him "Waffle Dog"!
Reddington is a beloved family pet and proven stud dog born April 20th 2016. He was professionally sourced by Nigel (also a Council Licensed Dog Breeder) being KC registered name "Kentixsen See No Evil" certificate number AT01653302 and has produced some stunning large litters of puppies. Unlike many other stud dogs Reddington lives comfortably inside Nigel's home.
He is fully vaccinated, wormed and receives regular flea prevention treatment and stands fifteen inches floor to shoulder.
Reddington's health checks:
PRCD-PRA Normal Clear
VON WILLEBRAND Clear / Healthy
BVA/KC Hip Dysplasia Left 4 / Right 3
A fully health tested miniature poodle stud owned by a professional POLICE dog trainer and dog behaviourist.
British Veterinary Association / Kennel Club Hip Dysplacia Scheme - Graded 4 / 3 = 7 EXCELLENT
Idexx Laboratories Von Willebrand Typ / Mutation Analysis - NORMAL / CLEAR
Optigen prcd Mutation Test for PRA - Graded NORMAL / CLEAR
Kennel Club Registration Certificate for "Kentixsen See No Evil" KC certificate number AT01653302
Canine Semen Analysis Categorisation - Very good.
A miniature poodle should not be bred from with a hip score over eleven nor be used for stud without the appropriate blood tests showing the dog to be genetically healthy with respect to the Von Willebrand type 1 blood disease.
It is also imperative that all mix poodle breeds are graded Normal / Clear haven undertaken an Optigen prcd Mutation Test for PRA (eye disease) of which Reddington passed with flying colours.
Reddington is a KC registered red miniature poodle stud dog who you can trust and the above document's are the ultimate health checks when breeding a F1 miniature goldendoodle puppy.